

I've been in and out of blogging for ages, sometimes I post loads, other times life is too busy, but I like knowing this is always here, littered with a few of my opinionated ramblings.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015


So much has happened this year to the world and in the UK; it's been so crazy and my eyes have been opened more than ever, so much so that sometimes I've fallen foul of feeling scared, worried and anxious about everything, small scale to large scale. I sometimes wonder if being ignorant is the way to a little bit of a nicer life, but then I think I wouldn't like it if I wasn't aware and I was in a bubble.

Donald Trump calling for Bill Gates to 'turn off the internet' has amused me today.

It's strange how when scrolling through Twitter one can be aware of the very real threat of bombs, of shootings, feminist hate, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, animal cruelty and poverty yet this is juxtaposed with a collective funny hashtag for an event, a Twitter in-joke, a shared image or a re-tweeted Vine, and you think 'we're all in this together'.

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with social media, on the one hand I would love to forge a career within it and I think I have a good understanding of how it works, but then with this knowledge I then know all the bad elements that come hand in hand with it and wonder, simply, 'Why?'

I'm interested to see where it goes, how usage will change and affect our lives in the future but it does make me worry for future generations too, the impact that this will have on them and the future they are hoping for.

As old as it makes me sound, I remember a time when we didn't have mobile phones, had to use dial up internet and got booted off the computer when someone needed to use the phone.

May we never go back to that time, at least.